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The observational astronomy group at UGA studies a wide range of astrophysical objects and phenomena using a wide range of observational methods. 

The astrophysics group at UGA studies a wide range of astrophysical objects and phenomena using a wide range of theoretical methods. We work on stars, star forming regions, and hot and cold gas clouds and supersonic shocks within our Galaxy.
We perform detailed computer simulations of fluid…
Atomic, Molecular, Optical, and Chemical (AMOC) Physics is mainly concerned with the common building blocks of the world around us (and beyond), i.e., with atoms, ions, electrons, molecules, and photons, and their mutual interactions. Of special interest are those phenomena that occur at…
Biophysics is an interdisciplinary field that applies the theories and methods of physics to study how biological systems work. It covers life at all scales, from atoms and molecules to cells, organisms, bodies, and even populations. This field has significant overlap with many other fields, such…
There are numerous graduate students and postdocs working in condensed matter physics and statistical mechanics.
Several people working in this area are also members of the Center for Simulational Physics.
The department offers several advanced graduate courses in condensed matter theory, many…
Optics or photonics is an old but venerable subject involving the generation, propagation, manipulation, and detection of light. With the development of new optical instruments, devices, materials and concepts, new disciplines have emerged. From fiber optics, telecommunications to medical imaging…
Nanotechnology is to understand and control matters at dimensions smaller than 100 nanometers. At this dimension, the physical, chemical, and biological properties of materials differ significantly from the properties of bulk matter, where unique phenomena enable novel applications. Research in…
Educational technologies; SCALE-UP; conceptual understanding in introductory and upper-level physics; upper-level curriculum development and assessment; Service learning and outreach; advanced undergraduate laboratory courses; Implementation and instructor training for SCALE-UP curricula; best…
A diverse group of scientists in the Department conduct research in computational physics. Research interests and expertise in this group span a broad range of traditional physics subdisciplines, including astrophysics, atmospheric physics, atomic, molecular, and chemical physics, condensed matter…
We are interested in quantum computation and simulation with superconducting qubits, including gate design and surface code error correction. We are especially interested in the design and use of the first generation of quantum computers that do not require error correction. We also develop…

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